Category Archives: Community


MAGIC DC (Metro Area Gender Identity Connection of Washington DC) is a peer support group for Transsexual, Gender Queer and other Gender Identity Questioning people living in the greater Washington DC Metropolitan Area. Active for over 30 years, we discuss everything from philosophy and feelings to practical matters such as legal issues and medical problems and solutions.
While the group is mainly for transsexuals and people questioning their gender identity, it is always encouraging to have family, friends, and significant others attend as well. Friendly parties such as psychotherapists, physicians, electrologists and so forth, are regular attendees providing professional support and insight.
The support group meets at 8 PM on the third Friday of every month on the third floor of the Falls Church Presbyterian Church, located at 225 E Broad St, Falls Church, VA (about a 20 minute walk from East Falls Church Metro station—should you need assistance getting to a meeting, please contact one of the moderators a few hours in advance, and we will be more than willing to pick you up from the station and return you to the station later).

Just show up, and be accepted.  There is no official membership, per sé, with no fees, dues, qualifications, or interviews required.
Please email for more information.
Thank you,
Lead Moderator, MAGIC