

The role of the MAGIC moderators is to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard, and to maintain a safe and supportive environment for the groups members. Being a moderator is purely on a volunteer basis. Should you wish to join the team of moderators, we ask that you be commit to attending group meetings on a regular basis—please contact one of the moderators below for more information.
The moderators do their best to enforce the following set of rules or behavioral guidelines, which were established many years ago, and are as applicable today as they were when they were first conceived:
  1. Show respect to the other members of the meeting. Everything else is derivative to that one rule.
  2. No Excessive Cursing—this can be offensive, and as a group we don’t need to depend on that language to communicate our ideas.
  3. Discriminatory comments, inflammatory jokes, and racial/ethnic slurs are not allowed.
  4. Personal Slams are not allowed—everyone needs to feel comfortable with presenting their thoughts, and as adults we can discuss and disagree upon a topic without resorting to base attacks.
  5. Lewd innuendos and behaviors are not acceptable, and nudity is not allowed (with rare exceptions and limited audience).
  6. Please show courtesy to others who have the floor and are speaking.
  7. One warning—then you’ll be asked to leave.*
* It should be noted that the last rule has been known to have been bent a few times, and it has not actually been necessary to enforce it for the last few years.